~~NOTOC~~ ===== Presentations and posters ===== See [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=LduuAHQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate|Google Scholar]] for recent papers. ==== 2023 ==== * //Walker LW, Norwalk AJ, Visweswaran S//. **Machine learning model interpretation tools reveal sub-populations with differing predictors in a clinical prediction model**. In: AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit. 2023 Mar 13. ({{papers:2023_amia_spring_clabsi_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Hutch MR, Son J, Le TT, Hong C, Wang X, Abad ZHS, The Consortium for Clinical Characterization of COVID-19 by EHR (4CE), Visweswaran S, Cai T, Luo Y, Xia Z//. **Neurological diagnoses in hospitalized COVID-19 patients associated with adverse outcomes: a multinational cohort study**. In: AMIA 2023 Informatics Summit. 2023 Mar 14. ({{papers:2023_amia_spring_neuro_podium.pdf|podium presentation}}) * //Horvat C, Au A, Hochheiser H, Boonchalermbichien T, Bui K, Munjal N, Wainwright M, Li Q, Clark R//. **Initial development and external validation of a biodigital rapid alert to identify neuromorbidity A-I Bundle (BRAIN AI) among critically ill children**. In: AMIA 2018 Informatics Summit. 2023 Mar 14. ({{papers:2023_amia_spring_brain_podium.pdf|podium presentation}}) * //Mina A, Du K, Pedapati V, Bradley A, Espino J, Batmanghelich K, Thirumala P, Visweswaran S//. **Ischemic changes in carotid endarterectomies are more severe in left-sided procedures**. In: 2023 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting Scientific Abstracts. Neurology. 2023 Apr, 100 (17 Supplement 2) 4051. (poster) * //Sadhu EM, Samayamuthu MJ, Visweswaran S//. **LOINC codes that may contain personally identifiable information**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 13. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_loinc_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Bradley A, Merlin J, Escott P, Ghani R, Silverstein J, Visweswaran S, Arnold J//. **Machine learning to detect opioid misuse from primary care notes. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings**. 2023 Nov 13. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_opiod_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Anderson JW, Shaikh N, Visweswaran S//. **Assessing racial bias in clinical prediction for urinary tract infections**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 13. (Finalist for the Best Poster Award at the AMIA Annual Symposium, 2023) ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_bias_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Bui K, Morris M, Visweswaran S//. **An i2b2 plugin for installing ontologies**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 13. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_ontology_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Claudio EP, Visweswaran S, Hochheiser H//. **User needs inquiries for explainable clinical decision support interfaces**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 14. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_explainable_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Klann J, Henderson D, Morris M, Estiri H, Weber G, Keogh D, Visweswaran S, Murphy SN//. **Enriching electronic-health-record cohorts by identifying patients with complete data**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 14. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_complete_podium.pdf|podium presentation}}) * //Bhavnani SK, Zhang W, Bao D, Kuo Y-F, Schmidt S, Pappadis MR, Bokov A, Reistetter T, Visweswaran S*, Downer B* (* shared senior authorship)//. **Subtyping social determinants of health in All of Us: opportunities and challenges for designing precision interventions**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2023 Nov 14. ({{papers:2023_amia_fall_subtyping_podium.pdf|podium presentation}}) ==== 2022 ==== * //Klann J, Handerson D, Visweswaran S, Estiri H, Murphy SN//. **Ensuring quality: a core competency of federated EHR data networks**. In: AMIA 2022 Informatics Summit. 2022 Mar 23. ({{papers:2022_amia_spring_quality_panel.pdf|panel presentation}}) * //Visweswaran S//. **Want to identify cohorts seamlessly across data models? Try ACT. Ignite talk at the AMIA Informatics Summit**. In: AMIA 2022 Informatics Summit. 2022 Mar 23. ({{papers:2022_amia_spring_ontolgoy_ignite.pdf|ignite talk}}) * //Li C, Dilan IO, Visweswaran S, Becich MJ, Jiang X, Boyce RD//. **Developing and evaluation of computational phenotypes of metastatic breast cancer using All of Us data**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2022 Nov 7. ({{papers:2022_amia_fall_cancer_poster.pdf|poster}}) * //Harle HA, Meeker D, Visweswaran S, Campion TR, Knosp BM//. **Delivering real world patient data for clinical and translational research: approaches from four institutions**. Panel presentation at the AMIA Fall Symposium. Washington, DC. 2022 Nov 9. ({{papers:2022_amia_fall_translational_panel.pdf|panel presentation}}) ==== 2018 ==== * //Horwitz, R, Ioannidis, J, Silverstein, J, Sim, I, Schneider, J//. **The future of evidence synthesis: Incorporating heterogeneous, non-traditional, and patient-specific evidence towards evidence-based precision medicine**. AMIA 2018 Informatics Summit. 2018 Mar 13. ({{papers:2018_the_future_of_evidence_synthesis_incorporating_heterogeneous_non_traditional_and_patient_specific_evidence_towards_evidence_based_precision_medicine.pdf|presentation}}) * //Tajgardoon, M, Wagner, MM, Zimmerman, RK//. **A novel representation of vaccine efficacy trial datasets for use in computer simulation of vaccination policy**. AMIA 2018 Informatics Summit. 2018 Mar 14. ({{papers:2018_a_novel_representation_of_vaccine_efficacy_trial_datasets_for_use_in_computer_simulation_of_vaccination_policy.pdf|paper}}) * //Tajgardoon, M, Visweswaran, S//. **Patient-specific explanations from risk prediction models**. AMIA 2018 Clinical Informatics Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. 2018 May 9. [presentation] * //Visweswaran, S//. **Developing a learning electronic medical record system**. AMIA 2018 Clinical Informatics Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. 2018 May 9. [presentation] ==== 2017 ==== * //Lustgarten, JL, Balasubramanian, JB, Visweswaran, S, Gopalakrishnan, V//. **Learning parsimonious classification rules from gene expression data using Bayesian networks with local structure**. Data. 2017 Mar;2(1). ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28331847|abstract]]) ([[http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/data2010005|paper]]) * //King, AJ, Hochheiser, H, Visweswaran, S, Clermont, G, Cooper, GF//. **Eye-tracking for clinical decision support: A method to capture automatically what physicians are viewing in the EMR**. In: AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. 2017 Mar 27-30; 2017:512-21. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28815151|abstract]]) ({{papers:2017_eye-tracking_for_clinical_decision_support_a_method_to_capture_automatically_what_physicians_are_viewing_in_the_emr.pdf|paper}}) (//Awarded First Place in the Student Paper Competition at the AMIA Joint Summits Clinical Research Informatics, 2017//) * //Bhavnani, SK, Chen, T, Ayyaswamy, A, Visweswaran, S, Bellala, G, Divekar, R, Bassler, KE//. **Enabling comprehension of patient subgroups and characteristics in large bipartite networks: Implications for precision medicine**. In: AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. 2017 Mar 27-30; 2017:21-29. PMID: ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28815099|abstract]]) ({{papers:2017_enabling_comprehension_of_patient_subgroups_and_characteristics_in_large_bipartite_networks_implications_for_precision_medicine.pdf|paper}}) * //Culbertson, A, Goel, S, Madden, M, Safaeinili, N, Jackson, KL, Carton, T, Waitman, R, Liu, M, Krishnamurthy, A, Hall, L, Cappella, N, Visweswaran, S, Becich, MJ, Applegate, R, Bernstam, E, Rothman, R, Matheny, M, Lipori, G, Bian, J, Hogan, W, Bell, D, Martin, A, Grannis, S, Klann, J, Sutphen, R, O'Hara, AB, Kho, A//. **The building blocks of interoperability: A multisite analysis of patient demographic attributes available for matching**. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2017 Apr 5;8(2):322-336. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28378025|abstract]]) ([[http://dx.doi.org/10.4338/ACI-2016-11-RA-0196|paper]]) * //Castro, SM, Tseytlin, E, Medvedeva, O, Mitchell, K, Visweswaran, S, Bekhuis, T, Jacobson, RS//. **Automated annotation and classification of BI-RADS assessment from radiology reports**. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2017 May;69:177-187. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28428140|abstract]]) ([[http:/dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2017.04.011|paper]]) * //Bhavnani SK, Dang B, Kilaru V, Caro M, Visweswaran S, Saade G, Smith AK, Menon R//. **Methylation differences reveal heterogeneity in preterm pathophysiology: results from bipartite network analyses**. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 2017 Jun 30. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28665803|abstract]]) ([[http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/jpm-2017-0126|paper]]) * //Strobl, EV, Visweswaran, S, Spirtes, PL//. **Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion**. In: 2017 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery. 2017 Aug 14. * //Tenenbaum, JD, Bhuvaneshwar, K, Gagliardi, JP, Hollis, KF, Jia, P, Ma, L, Nagarajan, R, Rakesh, G, Subbian, V, Visweswaran, S, Zhao, Z, Rozenblit, L//. **Translational bioinformatics in mental health: Open access data sources and computational biomarker discovery**. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2017 Nov 27. PMID: ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29186302|abstract]]) ([[http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx157|paper]]) * //Strobl, EV, Visweswaran, S, Spirtes, PL//. **Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion**. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. (in press) * //Strobl, EV, Zhang, K, Visweswaran, S//. **Approximate kernel-based conditional independence tests for fast non-parametric causal discovery**. arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.03877, 2017. ([[https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.03877|abstract & paper]]) [preprint] * //Strobl, EV, Visweswaran, S, Spirtes, PL//. **Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion**. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09031, 2017. ([[https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.09031|abstract & paper]]) [preprint] * //Khatri, S, Shirey, W, Tajardoon, M, Visweswaran, S//. **Patient-specific explanations of risk predictions in community acquired pneumonia**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2017 Nov 6. [poster] * //Calzoni, L, Clermont, G, Cooper, GF, Visweswaran, S, Hochheiser, H//. **Exploring novel graphical representations of clinical data in a learning EMR**. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2017 Nov 7. ({{papers:2017_exploring_novel_graphical_representations_of_clinical_data_in_a_learning_emr.pdf|abstract}}) [poster] * //Strobl, EV, Visweswaran, S, Spirtes, PL//. **Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion**. In: 2017 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery. 2017 Aug 14. [presentation] * //Bhavnani, SK, Ayyaswamy, A, Chen, T, Visweswaran, S, Bellala, G, Kevin E. Bassler, KE//. **Vicinity exploration: Enabling user-driven visual search of multiple machine learning models for precision medicine**. System demonstration; In: Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2017 Nov 7. ({{papers:2017_vicinity_exploration_enabling_user-driven_visual_search_of_multiple_machine_learning_models_for_precision_medicine.pdf|abstract}}) [presentation] ==== 2016 ==== * //Strobl, EV, Visweswaran, S//. **Markov boundary discovery with ridge regularized linear models**. Journal of Causal Inference. 2016 Mar; 4(1):31-48. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27170915|abstract]]) ({{papers:2016_markov_boundary_discovery_with_ridge_regularized_linear_models.pdf|paper}}) * //Pineda, AL, Ogoe, HA, Balasubramanian, JB, Escareño, CR, Visweswaran, S, Herman, JG, Gopalakrishnan, V//. **On predicting lung cancer subtypes using ‘omic’data from tumor and tumor-adjacent histologically-normal tissue**. BMC Cancer. 2016 Mar 4;16(1):184. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26944944|abstract]]) ({{papers:2016_on_predicting_lung_cancer_subtypes_using_omic_data_from_tumor_and_tumor-adjacent_histologically-normal_tissue.pdf|paper}}) * //Tenenbaum, JD, Avillach, P, Benham-Hutchins, M, Breitenstein, MK, Crowgey, EL, Hoffman, MA, Jiang, X, Madhavan, S, Mattison, JE, Radhakrishnan, N, Ray, B, Shin, D, Visweswaran, S, Zhao, Z, Freimuth, RR//. **An informatics research agenda to support precision medicine: 7 key areas**. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2016 Jul;23(4):791-5. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27107452|abstract]]) ({{papers:2016_an_informatics_research_agenda_to_support_precision_medicine_seven_key_areas.pdf|paper}}) * //Hauskrecht, M, Batal, I, Hong, C, Cooper, GF, Visweswaran, S, Clermont, G//. **Outlier-based detection of unusual patient-management actions: an ICU study**. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2016 Dec;64:211-221. ([[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27720983|abstract]]) ({{papers:2016_outlier-based_detection_of_unusual_patient-management_actions_an_ICU_study.pdf|paper}}) * //Strobl, EV, Spirtes, PL, Visweswaran, S//. **Estimating and controlling the False Discovery Rate for the PC algorithm using edge-specific p-values**. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.03975, 2016. ([[https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.03975|abstract & paper]]) [preprint] * //Bhavnani SK, Dang, B, Chen, T, Bassler, K, Divekar, R, Visweswaran, S//. **Replicability of co-occurring comorbidities: Implications for precision medicine**. In: AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. 2016 Mar. ({{papers:2016_replicability_of_co-occurring_comorbidities_implications_for_precision_medicine.pdf|abstract}}) [poster] * //Visweswaran, S, Tenenbaum, J, Gouripeddi, R//. **Secondary use of data for research - EHR, omics and environmental data**. In: AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. 2016 Mar 22. [presentation] ==== 2015 ==== * //Amin, W, Borromeo, C, Saul, M, Becich, MJ, Visweswaran, S//. **Informatics synergies between PaTH and ACT networks**. In: AMIA Joint Summits Translational Science Proceedings. 2015 Mar 25; 2015:294-5. ({{papers:2015_informatics_synergies_between_path_and_act_networks.pdf|abstract}}) [poster]